Monday, June 25, 2007

Ants bite!

There is an unusually large population of ants living at Baxter. They are truly fascinating creatures, but they are viscous. I would rather cross paths with a wild iguana (which I did!) than be close to a colony of ants. I could make a list of all the different types as long as Bubba’s ways to cook shrimp in Forrest Gump: big red ants, small red ants, big black ants, small black ants (believe it or not, these are the worst), pincher ants, un-proportionally large-headed ants, spider ants, mac daddy king ants with wings (these ants come out and colonize in large puddles of water after the rain, and they are huge!), the list goes on. There are two steps I often travel that are covered with small black ants. Back in my younger, dumber days, earlier in the summer, I stopped to watch them work…it was cool…for about a minute. Then I felt a ton of pinches on my feet, like shots, and I look down to see tons of little ants covering my feet and my flip flops. Needless to say, I don’t stop on those stairs anymore, in fact, I do my best to kill a few of those ants when I pass by. If you have never experienced an ant attack, allow me to give you the virtual experience. First, you feel pinches, which seem like nothing. You look down and see tiny black specks swarming your feet, and then, the bites start to sting. If you are smart, you run away, and then brush off the ants that are on your feet. If you are stupid, you try to brush them off where you are standing. Don’t ever do that, you just wind up with more ants. After you successfully flee the massacre, and the stinging pain is gone, the bites itch. Sunday, on my way to church, I walked across the basketball court and saw a dead snake COILED under one of the goals. The ants were already going to work. When I crossed the court again, going back to my apartment two hours later, the ants had uncoiled the snake, as seen in the photo. I wish I could have taken a closer picture, but I wasn’t going to subject myself to more ant bites. So the real reason I am ranting about ants, is to explain why we haven’t had internet at Baxter for the past five days. There was an ant nest near the amplifier where the signal comes from, and the ants ate through the cables and shorted it out! I bet that never happens in the States! ANTS BITE!


Laura said...

You know how I am about bugs! Yuck! At least they don't carry diseases (sp) do they? That's really cool what they did to the snake! It is unbelievable how nature survives! Terri and I had a good laugh about the Ants bite post as well!

Libby Isenhower said...

I'm glad I am providing good, clean entertainment for you and Terri! I have a feeling most bugs carry some kind of disease. There is a sickness the mosquitoes carry down here that, if it gets really bad, causes hemmoraging. I hope I don't get starts out like the flu, and then, if it's not treating you could start bleeding from your eyes and stuff.

Speaking of bugs, I reached into my pocket the other day and pulled out a dead fly. It was a monster fly too....don't really know how it got there! And, I wake up with a couple bugs keeping me company in my bed every morning. I wonder how many I've eaten....yum, protein!

Laura said...

Yuck! I don't know if I would be able to handle that visiting in Honduras!

Ashley Fowlkes said...

Whodda thunk that you'd learn so much about entomology in your summer adventures? My brother stepped in fire ant beds numerous times when he was a kiddo, and once it was really scary. They sure can hurt! Protect yourself!!!

John said...

Hi Libby I just read this and it was kind of funny but very interesting. Im living in Honduras right now and just had a swarm of ants attack my bedroom in a matter of 15 mnts. A brand new building. Well it turna out I made tea with honey this morning and lef the cup next to my bed with the tea bag still in it, later about 6 hrs i removed the cup to wash it and noticed some ants on it which I washed u der the sink. 15 mnts later went back to my bedroom and is then when I noticed a swarm of ants on the wall. Well i panicked and ran and called my son showed him and eventually sprayed them all. Needless to say I ended up cleaning the walls but it was a scary expierience as I told my son, Godforbid someone faints like for a half hour or so bcs he or she would be game haaaaa!. Well libby take care if yoir still in Honduras hope we meet ,I also came down here as a missionary. God bless you and yes lets pray we find out God's purposes for our lives. Take care!.