Thursday, August 2, 2007

It seems like there are as many hungry dogs in Isopo as there are people. I got to be involved with interviewing some of the people in Isopo about the village, their needs and their problems. Poverty was an immediate response, but there is also a huge alcohol problem. One of the women we spoke to told us about how there are children as young as twelve who are alcoholics. Grandparents, parents and children, all in the same family have passed away because they were alcoholics. She told us that when the gringos are there, the drunks don't come out as much, but we did see a couple young boys who were drunk. It was really sad. On top of that, the community can't drink the water that should be drinkable because the wells are contaminated from pesticides and other waste. They really need new wells, but there isn't money for new ones. The children in the schools can't really learn computer skills because there isn't electricity, which really hurts them a lot, and most of them don't attend school after the sixth grade. There was a man in Isopo who left his girlfriend, and stole the roof to her house because it was "his." Pretty crazy. There is a lot of pain there, but a lot of hope too.


Laura said...

The flip side right? This picture is so sad. Somedays, I still don't know how you do you hold yourself together. God gives you strength but I think I would cry everyday.

Carla said...

Hey Libby, It looks like your summer has been quite an adventure. I am glad that you have been able to have such a wonderful experience that you will never forget.

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