Thursday, August 2, 2007

Sisters in Christ

Some people wonder why we spend thousands of dollars sending a mission team to a foreign country like Honduras when we could just send the thousands of dollars. The people in Honduras are capable of doing to work we do, and we could build 10 times as many homes. Only people who haven't experienced this ask those questions. There were so many cool things that happened in Isopo, but this one was one of the coolest. North Central Church of Christ in Indianapolis, IN has been working in Isopo for four years, building relationships. One of their ladies classes started a knitting project specifically for the mission trip to Honduras. The women knitted scarfs, shawls, hats, blankets and shirts to present to the women in the church at Isopo. All the women in Isopo were so excited to be personally handed an item! They would put on their hat, or their shawl and turn to each other and just laugh! This is what foreign mission work is about: building relationships, and encouraging one another in love! We have family all over the world! Who doesn't visit their family?! The woman in the red in this photo was one of the women who got so excited about her new clothes. She and many of the other women and children came back the rest of the week wearing all the knitted treasures! I think I'll take up my knitting needles again! This woman was baptized the next day, along with six other people! The Lord is working in this mountain community, and all over the world!! WOW!


Laura said...

That is amazing to have family all over the world! I never really thought about it like that! I love these ladies and I don't even know them! They look so joyful inspite of everything!

Laura said...

In addition to the other thought...we don't even know what joy necessarily is here in the States! Some people would be appalled at gifts like this, but they look like they are ecstatic...everyone should know deep down, true joy like this!